...For many years research has been undertaken to, if not find the 'magic' cure, at least find a method of making acne quickly disappear. There has, as yet been no 'breakthrough but there are now remedies which are effective in controlling acne, although the type of acne, the seriousness of the acne and the application method or methods all have a bearing on just how effective the remedy will be. Try not to be too downbeat about ever finding a cure: just keep reading and I'll try my best to help you....»
Read More: acne-types.blogspot.com
«...So what happens to people who believe diet causes acne and diet alone is the answer? If they don't see results they believe something they eat still causes their acne. So they keep hunting and removing every possible dietary cause to acne they read about. Soon they ask: "If I can't eat any of these foods, what can I eat?"...»
Full Text: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
tags: adult acne flutamide, acne clearing belly pregnancy, tea tree oil cystic acne