Food allegies can cause acne

« ...Acne has been tormenting millions of people in the US. Many acne products have been popping up in the market but there is one acne treatment that had existed for thousands of years. That is the chemical peel. It was recorded in history that Cleopatra had been bathing in sour milk to maintain her skin smooth and nice. Lactic acid found in sour milk is effective in peeling the skin removing dead skin. Lactic acid belongs to a group called Alpha-hydroxy acid....
...Diet has everything to do with acne breakouts. Certain processed foods, along with oily foods that are loaded with all of the wrong fats, play into the bacteria that pimples love to feed on....»
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«...Tea tree oil treatment is among the popular acne solutions, it is composed of tea tree oil or also called as melaleuca oil, this natural oil fights bacteria that causes acne and is considered to be among the leading types being practiced in the world today. It has since become a welcome alternative to a lot of over the counter drugs and skin blemish prescription brands. It is very easy to use as well, one will only need to apply tea tree oil on the affected skin and after a few weeks the acne will totally eradicated....»
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tags: argan oil and acne, natural remedies from getting rid of acne scars, chinese herbs to treat acne during pregnancy