How to treat adult acne

« ...When millions of people suffer from a disease or condition, even one as typical as acne, it is obvious that a great deal of effort will be spent studying and attempting to understand the factors that cause the condition. This is definitely true of acne. Because acne doesn't have just one causative factor, it is even more of a challenge to isolate the factors and to provide a regimen of treatment that will provide relief on all fronts. In order to clear acne, treatment must include an antibacterial agent, an agent to dry the eruptions and products to help heal the skin breaks. ...
...Benzoyl Peroxide is perhaps one of the most commonly used acne medication. It can be found either over the counter or made available through prescription. The difference is probably the strength of the drug....»
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«...Honey and cinnamon remedy: Make a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water....»
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tags: acne scar removal in stores, can food allergies cause acne, endocrine diseases that cause acne