Does eating chocolate cause acne

« ...Acne patches are popular acne fighting products. They come in liquid form. They dry up once applied to the skin. Essentially, an acne patch creates a protective seal around the acne. Acne patches contain an active ingredient that shrinks the acne overnight. You can peel the patch the next morning and you'll see that the acne has become much smaller....
...On-prescription tips on how to get rid of acne are prescribed by a dermatologist and can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical ointment. In some case your doctor may suggest the pustules are drained of harmful contents under local anesthetic, this is a minor procedure which if carried out by yourself could result in skin damage....»
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«...There are millions of people around the world who suffer with acne (Zits); treatments however, are slowly improving. A great deal of effort is going into research for a cure; now, some of these skin conditions are gradually being conquered. The type of acne skin care product you might use would come under three general categories:...»
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