Acne skin care tips

« ...Creams used to treat teenage and adult acne are not designed with the baby's delicate skin in mind. They are only meant for teenage and adults. Self medicating may hurt the fragile skin of a baby. If the condition is really serious, it is best to consult a doctor. The doctor will decide what the best treatment available for the baby is....
...Birth control Pills: It would interest you to know that some birth control pills may help since they can help reduce the level of hormones in the body....»
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«...Acne is not caused by eating fatty foods or chocolate. In fact one of the principal treatments for acne is best taken with fatty foods. Acne is not diet related, irrespective of what you might have heard or read on even fairly authoritative websites. Nor is it related to genetics and it cannot be passed from one person to another. It is not a disease but a skin condition, though bacterial activity is a significant factor....»
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tags: acne scar before and after treatment pictures, over the counter acne spot treatment, keep getting dry skin from my acne wash